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My journey in Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, North East Regional Center, Guwahati started with the pain of leaving my school. The thought of making new friends, adapting to the new environment, living up to the expectations of my family kept hovering my mind.

LNIPE is an incredible place to be, it is situated in a beautiful village in the periphery of gateway of north east. This college has got its unique aura with utmost positivity and happiness, sports facilities are outstanding, its location is overwhelming, I honed my skills to rule water in a beautiful swimming pool situated at this campus and I got teachers who are like friends and friends who are like family and no matter where I go, this place will be my home always. Every teacher in the university is a unique gemstone and whatever I am today I credit this to my teachers as well. I learnt a lot from them which is showing me a direction now and I am pretty sure that it will be life long.

The journey eventually turned out to be pretty amazing beginning with making new friends, following with learning various sports, participating in extra co-curricular activities which led me to becoming the literary society member of the college, being consistent in studies 1st year passed by in a flash.

2nd year began with the thoughts and aspirations of doing better in examinations. I can vividly recollect the day I went up the stage for the first time it was the applause and the personal encouragement from the teachers around, that instilled confidence in me. I cannot fathom how different a person I would have been, had this not happened to me. we learned and studied for the sheer joy of it.

Later on in 4th year in the college I was made the House captain of the college and shouldered many responsibilities which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I convey my heartfelt regards to the college and the faculty for upbringing me, shaping my personality and supporting me in all my ventures.
I became the Gold medalist of 2016-20 batch and it was not possible without my teachers, guides, positive atmosphere and opportunities which were provided to me.

I consider myself very fortunate for getting impeccable guidance from my teachers and support from my friends. Only through these countless uplifting experiences I could make a better version of me.

Thank you

Miss Punam Pradhan
Batch 2016-20